Why Science Fiction Conventions?

By far, this is where we got our start. We met each other at Duckon, an annual event in Chicago. We met back up at another Chicago convention, WindyCon, and realized our musical alignments. These conventions have been a part of our lives for years. They are filled with friends, family, those of like-mind and those who are up for a good debate. Books and music and costumes and all kinds of fun. What's not to love?

How is this different from the Schedule?

These are the conventions that we will be attending, though we may not necessarily be performing. Circle round, bring a smile, a voice, and an open ear for mischief. We've got a spell just for you.

Convention Schedule

June 16th, 2023 by Lizzie

Icon 48!
Date Oct. 13-15, 2023
Cedar Rapids, IA
Come join us for a weekend of music, shenanighans and various antics!